Previous Clients

Audio Orange Steve Stephen Palmer
Audio Orange Steve Stephen Palmer

Hermes Logistics

Design & development of several greenfield web apps for airline cargo handling.

(Angular 5, TypeScript/ES6, Flexbox, Bootstrap4, Html, Scss, SVG, GIMP, Pencil, Jasmine, TestBed, Protractor, ASP.NET Core, Azure & CosmosDB)

incl.. Prototyping, Wireframing, UI Theme, RESTful api design & CI

Implemented automated unit & e2e testing frameworks

Steve Palmer or Stephen Palmer
Audio Orange Steve Stephen Palmer


Design & development of greenfield Pathology system.

(Angular 4, Bootstrap4, Material, TypeScript/ES6, Jasmine, testBed, ASP.NET Core Web Api)

Integration of Flux/Redux state management & introduced automated front-end unit testing to team.

Enhancements to existing Angular.js & native JavaScript systems

Steve Palmer or Stephen Palmer
Steve Palmer or Stephen Palmer
Steve Palmer or Stephen Palmer (Haymarket)

Re-engineering of website & CMS system to MEAN Stack.

Assisted in converting site to responsive fluid grid.

Created Angular pages & node modules for user subscriptions & payments system.

Audio Orange Steve Stephen Palmer
Audio Orange Steve Stephen Palmer

Design & build of
featuring Bootstrap3, JQuery, Font-Awesome, Modernizr, Google Analytics and SCSS partials. Animations via native Css3, Animate.css & Waypoints.js libraries

All served up via GitHub pages

Photography all done myself with my trusty Nikon 3000 DSLR & image editing in GIMP

Audio Orange Website
Audio Orange Website

Monokai Theme

WebStorm Theme & Styling
GitHub: ao-webstorm-monokai

Three essential ingredients for baking code:
a quality Chair, a quality Mouse & a quality IDE.

Quality IDE's need customisable visual/colour indicators for code & inspections (hey, I just like my attributes purple & args orange! - inspired by sublime monokai)